Senior Lecturer at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Michael is an expert in positive organizational behaviour, specialising in positive leadership styles and behaviours and how these relate to individual, team and organisational outcomes. Specifically, Michael employs quantitative research methods to understand how leadership processes (authentic, ethical, servant and transformational leadership) impact individual, team and organizational outcomes (employee thriving, commitment, citizenship behaviours, and overall job performance).
Michael’s research has been published in various top-ranked journals including the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Personnel Review, Journal of Management & Organization, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, and Leadership and Organization Development Journal.
Michael sits on a number of editorial boards and his research on leadership has also been published as book chapters by the American Psychological Association and Edward Elgar. Further, Michael’s research has been presented at various top conferences including those organized by the Academy of Management-US, the British Academy of Management, the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management, and the Australian Psychological Society.
Michael has supervised to completion several Doctor of Philosophy students has been awarded several research grants, and has consulted for the City of Melbourne Council in Australia, The World Bank, and South Africa’s National Research Foundation.